Using OBS as a CI for Perl Modules


In my previous Building a Perl Module in OBS post I showed how you can build rpm packages in OBS from your perl module(s). Every commit on the main branch will trigger a new build.

Now I will show how to automatically build the package from a GitHub Pull Request. It’s recommended to read the previous post first.

For that I need to add an OBS Workflow. I need a GitHub Token, an OBS Token and a workflow YAML file.

Create Github Access Token

Go to your GitHub Settings - Developer Settings - Personal Access Tokens and click on “Generate new token (classic)”.

Add a meaningful description like “Token for OBS workflow for home:user:perlmodules/perl-YAML-PP”.

Enable the scope “repo”.

Click on “Generate token”.

OBS - Home Project

You should see a message that the token was generated and a secret (marked blue in the screenshot). Note that down.

OBS - Home Project

Generate OBS Workflow token

Now go to My tokens in OBS and create a new token.

OBS - Home Project

The token type is “workflow”. Add a meaningful description, e.g. “Pull requests for home:user:perlmodules/perl-YAML-PP”.

Paste the GitHub Access Token.

Click on “Create”.

OBS - Home Project

You should now see a message that the token was successfully created.

Note down the secret (marked in red) and the trigger url (marked in green).

OBS - Home Project

Add GitHub Webhook

In your GitHub project, go to Seetings - Webhooks and add a new webhook.

Paste the trigger url and the secret from the last step.

OBS - Home Project

Check “Let me select individual events.” and select “Push” and “Pull requests”.

Click on “Add webhook”.

OBS - Home Project

Create Workflow configuration file

In your GitHub repository, add a new file at .obs/workflows.yml:

  - branch_package:
      source_project: home:tinita:perlmodules
      source_package: perl-YAML-PP
      target_project: home:tinita:perlmodules:CI
    event: pull_request

Commit and push to the main branch.

Create a Pull request

Now everything is ready for getting GitHub OBS workflows checks.

Create a pull request. Maybe one that makes tests fail ;-)

OBS - Home Project

Now go to the subprojects of your home:user:perlmodules project.

If everything went well, you should see a new subproject there, called home:tinita:perlmodules:CI:perlpunk:gpw2024-demo:PR-3 in my case.

OBS - Home Project

It should look almost like the original project.

OBS - Home Project

And it should already start to build!

OBS - Home Project

If you look at the Pull request now, you should see checks being added, in my case five.

Note that it is a current limitation of OBS that those checks only appear when they finish. A pending status is not supported.

OBS - Home Project


Things can go wrong in various places, and it’s possible that it’s not your fault.

  • Check the GitHub Webhook settings. You can list the triggers and see the payload
  • Check the OBS Token settings. You can also look at the triggers there
  • In some cases, OBS might simply not have been reachable. In that case it’s necessary to delete the created subproject and retrigger the necessary events.

Have fun with the OBS Workflow!