tmuxtutor / prefix

A brief tmux tutorial inspired by vimtutor

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Changing the PREFIX key

You can change the default CTRL-b prefix to something else. Many people seem to use CTRL-a like in screen, many use CTRL-space.

Keep in mind that if you want to use tmux for pair programming, you have to use the same prefix as the other persons.

Here's how you change it from CTRL-b to CTRL-a:

  # Change the default prefix key
  unbind-key C-b
  set -g prefix C-a

  # CTRL-a a will send a literal CTRL-a (to go to the
  # start of the command line, for example)
  bind-key a send-prefix

  # or, alternatively:
  # CTRL-a CTRL-a will send a literal CTRL-a
  # bind-key C-a send-prefix