tmuxtutor / synchronize

A brief tmux tutorial inspired by vimtutor

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Synchronizing panes means, that everything you type in one pane, will be typed into all other panes in the window.

You could use this for ssh to a number of different hosts and run a command, compare the output, etc.

Or to compare the outputs of a program for several versions of your language interpreter.

To try out synchronising you either have to open a new tmux window or another terminal, so that you can still read this manpage.

To open a new session in a new terminal, type

  tmux new-session -s sync

To open a new tmux window, type

  PREFIX + c

Now open 4 (or as many as you like) panes. In every new pane, type

Now activate synchronizing with

  PREFIX + :set synchronize-panes on

Then echo the variable:

  echo "Hello $NAME!"

To deactivate, type

  PREFIX + :set synchronize-panes off

Leaving out the 'on' or 'off' will toggle the option.

  PREFIX + :set synchronize-panes

If you do this more often, it might be a good idea to bind this to a key.


Synchronizing is a good use case for scripting tmux.

In examples/ you will find a script that compares four perl versions with each other, via perlbrew. Maybe replace this with plenv, rbenv or any other interpreter switching tool and try it out.