Generating rpm spec files for Perl Modules

Introduction To build a Perl module on openSUSE or other distributions, you need a file with build instructions. For rpm that’s usually a file called package-name.spec. See also General packaging guidelines and the Perl packaging guidelines. In Open Build Service devel:languages:perl we currently have over 3100 perl packages. That would not have been possible without some automation. In this post I will describe how cpanspec can create spec files automatically, and how it can even update spec files for a new release without overriding manual changes from before. [Read More]

The Annual Perl Toolchain Summit

Introduction The Perl Toolchain Summit is an annual event where around 30-35 people are gathering to work on toolchain related tasks. The topics are the Perl Authors Upload Server, MetaCPAN, CPAN clients, Testing and Coverage modules, Smoketesting Perl, CPAN Security, Cyber Resilience Act, Module Dependencies, and many more. This year it took place in Lisbon, Portugal from April 25-28. It’s a mix of discussions, pair programming and presentations. All attendees are usually in the same hotel where the conference is happening, so during those four days a useful discussion can start any time. [Read More]

How Perl CPAN Modules Are Updated in SUSE

Introduction Packages for SUSE distributions are built in the Open Build Service (OBS). In my previous posts I showed how a perl module is built in OBS and how you can use it as a CI. Now I want to show how we at SUSE maintain modules that are part of an official openSUSE release. In the devel:languages:perl repository we currently have over 3100 perl modules from CPAN. Not all of them land in the official SUSE distribution repositories though. [Read More]

Using OBS as a CI for Perl Modules

Introduction In my previous Building a Perl Module in OBS post I showed how you can build rpm packages in OBS from your perl module(s). Every commit on the main branch will trigger a new build. Now I will show how to automatically build the package from a GitHub Pull Request. It’s recommended to read the previous post first. For that I need to add an OBS Workflow. I need a GitHub Token, an OBS Token and a workflow YAML file. [Read More]

Building a Perl Module in OBS

Introduction The Open Build Service is used to build all packages for the SUSE operating system family. It can also be used to build other package formats. In this post I want to show you how you can setup a project to build your perl module(s) in OBS. Some parts might not be that intuitive, so I documented everything with screenshots. In my next post I will show how you can setup your package to automatically build on pull requests. [Read More]